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Looking to Escape the New 2% OTA Booking Fee from FareHarbor?

You're a large company running boat tours and you've already felt the impact of FareHarbor's new 2% OTA booking fee?

While FareHarbor has been a popular choice for many, its pricing scheme and functionalities may not be the best fit for businesses scaling beyond $1M in sales. If you're searching for a more cost-effective, tailored solution that offers advanced features, is here to help!

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Why Choose

At, we know the ins and outs of the boat tour business. Unlike FareHarbor’s one-size-fits-all approach, we’re built specifically for companies like yours. Here’s why CaptainBook is the smart choice:

Flexible and Cost-Effective Pricing

FareHarbor's 2% OTA booking fee, combined with the 6% direct online booking fee, can add up fast, especially for high-volume businesses.

With, you’ll find a pricing model designed to grow with you. If your sales are over $1M, we offer high-volume discounts, ensuring you pay less—guaranteed. No surprises, no hidden costs—just a pricing structure that makes sense for your business.

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Multiple Captain Management

Handling multiple captains and coordinating schedules is challenging. While FareHarbor offers some basic scheduling tools, we go further. makes managing multiple captains easy, with features like real-time availability tracking and automatic scheduling. This way, you avoid double bookings and keep operations running smoothly. In fact, this specific functionality is a Skift Idea Award 2024 finalist.

How Improves Bookings and Boosts Revenue

Simple Google Calendar Integration

Effortless Team Coordination with’s Google Calendar Integration

Keeping everyone on the same page is essential. integrates directly with Google Calendar, making it easy for your team to see schedules and updates in real time, right from their phones or desktops. This seamless integration helps avoid scheduling mishaps and keeps your tours on track.
This is the only 2-ways integration you will find in the market!


Designed for Boat Tour Operators

Tailored Solutions for Boat Tour Operators with Custom Booking Pages and Automated Tools

Our platform is built specifically for boat tour operators. We offer features like customizable booking pages, automated customer reminders, and waiver management, all tailored to meet the needs of your business. With, you get tools that fit your unique challenges.

Fast, Easy Transition

Switch to in Just 5 Days with No Booking Interruptions

Worried about switching platforms? Don’t be. With, you can make the switch in just 5 business days without any interruptions to your bookings. We handle the transition smoothly so that you can keep your business running without missing a booking.

Ready to switch?

If you're tired of high fees and outdated interfaces, it's time to consider CaptainBook! With our tailored platform, high-volume discounts, and advanced features, we offer a solution that grows with your business and meets your unique needs.


Get in touch with us today to schedule a demo and learn more about how can help you be more cost effective. Make the switch in just 5 business days without any booking interruptions and start saving with a pricing model designed for high-volume operators.

Contact us now to get started and see the difference!

Not Only A Booking Software, A Booking Management System!